Terms & Conditions

Last Updated: July 1, 2020
Effective Date: January 1, 2020


These VDX.tv Media Network Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) are made between Exponential Interactive, Inc. d/b/a VDX.tv and its affiliates (“VDX.tv”, “we”, “us”, “our”) and you as a Media Company (“you”, “your” or “Media Company”) (each, a “party”, together, the “parties”). These Terms govern your participation in the VDX.tv Media Network – the online affiliate marketing network owned and operated by VDX.tv.

1. Definitions

1.1. “Above the fold” means an Advertisement and content viewable at a minimum of 800×600 pixels without scrolling when a webpage or window loads.

1.2. “Ad Tags” mean JavaScript, HTML, or other code on Media Company Property which triggers the display of an Advertisement.

1.3. “Advertisement” or “Ad” means graphical, digital, interactive, and rich forms of media including without limitation, banners, boxes, buttons, skyscrapers, and any other Standard IAB Units, brand wraps, mobile, podcast, survey, skin, text, video, and any other customized online Advertisement served by VDX.tv or a Third Party Ad Server.

1.4. “Contact Information” means, without limitation, your legal business name, email address, phone number, mailing address, payment profile, and tax information.

1.5. “Cookies” mean data files created by a web server, delivered through a web browser, and stored on a user’s computer or other device on which user receives the Advertisement. Cookies provide insight to a user’s web preferences, online patterns, and characteristics, and identify the user as a return visitor in delivering Advertisements.

1.6. “Impression” means the display of an Advertisement.

1.7. “Impression Count” means each instance that a single Advertisement is rendered for display, as measured by VDX.tv or a Third Party Ad Server.

1.8. “Invalid Click” means any click (or, in the case of a mobile device, any tap) on an Advertisement that: (i) causes the user to reach a destination other than the intended destination (e.g., an incorrect redirect), which may be caused by a server malfunction on the Media Company Property, alterations made by Publisher, or erroneous coding placed on the Media Company Property; (ii) results from applying repeated manual or mechanically automated clicks on a mouse, keyboard, or any other non-human click generation process (including without limitation, robots, spiders, scripts, or other similar software); (iii) results from blind text links, misleading links, forced clicks (e.g., the user’s browser was hijacked); or Advertisement was altered so that it is impossible to close without clicking on it); (iv) VDX.tv determines, in its sole discretion, to be fraudulent in nature, or resulting from incentives, misleading, or coercive means, or any other method that may lead to artificially high numbers of clicks.

1.9. “Inventory” means the space(s) on a webpage, window, or segments in a video application, OTT/CTV Application or podcast owned and operated by Media Company, or on which Media Company has the right to display advertising, in which Advertisements may be displayed and which is made available to VDX.tv under these Terms.

1.10. “Landing Page” means a webpage accessed by a user after clicking or tapping on an Advertisement.

1.11. “Media Company Domain” means a collection of related webpages where the webpage URL is specified by a particular web domain name.

1.12. “Media Company Interface” means VDX.tv’s systems and services through which a Media Company manages Media Company Sites.

1.13. “Media Company Property” means any Media Company Domain, Media Company Site, or Media Company video application, OTT/CTV Application, or podcast on which Inventory is available.

1.14. “Media Company Site” means a Media Company Property that represents a number of related Media Company Domains.

1.15. “Membership” means Media Company’s participation in the VDX.tv Media Network and the services through which VDX.tv may serve Advertisements to Media Company Domains.

1.16. “OTT/CTV Application” means a software application designed to run on smartphones, tablet computers, internet-connected televisions, set-top boxes, game consoles, and other devices to deliver advertising-supported video-on-demand content to users.

1.17. “Opt-Out Mechanism” means a website or other tool which executes a user’s expressed wish to be excluded from user tracking, targeting, or data usage practices.

1.18. “Net Revenue” means revenues generated from VDX.tv advertiser campaigns placed on approved Media Company Properties, as determined by VDX.tv’s internal ad servers, less fees related to the serving and delivery of Advertisements, charge backs, bad debt, and agency fees, as reported through the Media Company Interface.

1.19. “Standard IAB Units” means those Interactive Advertising Bureau (“IAB”) units supported by VDX.tv and served via Ad Tags that are available through the Media Company Interface.

1.20. “Third Party Ad Server” means a service, supplied by a company separate and distinct from both VDX.tv and Media Company, for delivering web content, especially Advertisements, to users.

1.21. “Viewed Content Advertising” means advertising using data related to video content viewed on a television.

2. Membership

Membership in the VDX.tv Media Network is subject to prior written approval by VDX.tv. VDX.tv reserves the right in its sole discretion to refuse, modify, or terminate service to Media Company at any time, for any reason, and without prior notice. Media Company must obtain prior approval for each Media Company Property on which Ad Tags will be placed. Acceptance of one (1) or more Media Company Properties does not guarantee acceptance of any additional Media Company Properties.

3. Eligibility Requirements

Media Company must at all times comply with VDX.tv’s Code of Conduct (“Code”) located at https://exponential.com/documents/publisher-code-of-conduct to be eligible for VDX.tv Media Network Membership. In the event of any conflict between these Terms and the Code, these Terms will govern.

4. Placement and Service of Ad Tags on Media Company Properties; Prohibited Activities

4.1. If the Media Company Property is a Media Company Domain or a Media Company Site:

4.1.1. Media Company is responsible for placing Ad Tags on approved Media Company Properties in a manner that allows verification of the URL of the webpage and complies with these Terms. Media Company will make the Inventory available to VDX.tv in VDX.tv’s Standard IAB Units as described in these Terms or as may be updated by VDX.tv from time to time. VDX.tv Safety Guidelines for Publishers are available at https://vdx.tv/safety-guidelines.

4.1.2. Media Company may place any Standard IAB unit on Media Company Properties via Ad Tags available in its VDX.tv account. Any Inventory made available to VDX.tv may be available to advertisers upon prior written approval by VDX.tv in its sole discretion. Media Company is allowed a maximum of one (1) leaderboard (728×90 pixels) Advertisement Above the fold – meaning that if a VDX.tv leaderboard Advertisement is placed on a page, no other leaderboard or banner ad may appear Above the fold on that same page. Media Company is allowed a maximum of one (1) skyscraper (160×600 pixels) and one (1) rectangle (300×250 pixels) ad unit on any given page.

4.1.3. Media Company is prohibited from modifying Ad Tags or causing them to be modified without VDX.tv’s prior written approval.

4.1.4. With regard to Advertisements displayed in or through a video or media player: (i) only one (1) video or media player may be active when the Advertisement is displayed; (ii) the video or media player must be visible on screen at the time the Advertisement is displayed; and (iii) the video or media player must be greater than 400×300 pixels in size.

4.2. If the Media Company Property is an OTT/CTV Application:

4.2.1. Media Company and VDX.tv will work together in good faith to incorporate Ad Tags into the Media Company Properties and Media Company’s advertising management system and content management system, and address any other technical issues integrating of the Media Company Properties into the VDX.tv Media Network.

4.2.2. Media Company will not attempt in any way and will not authorize or encourage any third party to alter, modify, eliminate, conceal, or otherwise render inoperable or ineffective the Ad Tags, source codes, links, pixels, modules, or other data originating from VDX.tv that allows VDX.tv to provide the VDX.tv Media Network and measure the performance of Advertisements.

4.2.3. Media Company will display each Advertisement in the form and format delivered by VDX.tv without modification. Media Company will not and will not authorize or encourage any other third party to: edit, modify, or otherwise alter any Advertisement, information, or interactive experience contained in any Advertisement; bypass or filter any Advertisement; frame, minimize, or otherwise inhibit the full and complete display of any Advertisement content including any interactive experience (e.g., takeover experience) generated by an Advertisement; and generate Impressions, directly or indirectly, through any automated, deceptive, fraudulent, or other invalid means. Invalid includes without limitation, Impressions originating from Media Company’s IP addresses, computers, or devices under Media Company’s control.

4.3. If Media Company Property is a video application:

4.3.1. Media Company and VDX.tv will work together in good faith to incorporate Ad Tags into the Media Company Properties and Media Company’s advertising management system and content management system and address all other technical issues integrating the Media Company Properties into the VDX.tv Media Network; and

4.3.2. Media Company will not and will not authorize or encourage any other third party to alter, modify, eliminate, conceal, or otherwise render inoperable or ineffective the Ad Tags, source codes, links, pixels, modules, or other data originating from VDX.tv that allows VDX.tv to measure the performance of Advertisements and provide the VDX.tv Media Network.

4.3.3. Media Company will display each Advertisement in the form and format delivered by VDX.tv and without modification. Media Company will not and will not authorize or encourage any other third party to: edit, modify, or otherwise alter any Advertisement, information, or interactive experience contained in any Advertisement; bypass or filter any Advertisement; or frame, minimize, or otherwise inhibit the full and complete display of any Advertisement content including any interactive experience (e.g., takeover experience) generated by an Advertisement.

4.3.4. Media Company will not and will not authorize or encourage any third party to generate

Impressions, directly or indirectly, through any automated, deceptive, fraudulent, or other invalid means. Invalid means includes without limitation Impressions: originating from Media Company’s IP addresses, computers, or devices under Media Company’s control; solicited by unauthorized payment of money, false representation, or any illegal or otherwise invalid request for users to view, engage, or interact with Advertisements; generated by auto-playing Advertisements or auto-playing video content incorporating Advertisements; that are user imitated or non-user initiated; or otherwise acquired in violation of these Terms.

4.3.5. Advertisements displayed in or through a video or media player: (i) only one (1) video or media player may be active when the Advertisement is displayed; (ii) the video or media player must be visible on screen while the Advertisement is displayed; and (iii) the video or media player must be greater than 400×300 pixels in size.

4.4. Media Company is responsible for presenting the following Viewed Content Advertising information to the user including without limitation:

4.4.1. a statement disclosing the fact that data may be collected for Viewed Content Advertising purposes through the TV or application; and

4.4.2. a conspicuous link to, or a description of how to access, an Opt-Out Mechanism for Viewed Content Advertising on the screen or most appropriate user interface.

4.5. Media Company will not and will not authorize or encourage any third party to, engage in any activities that VDX.tv determines in its sole discretion to be fraudulent, including without limitation: (i) placing Ad Tags on Media Company Properties without VDX.tv’s prior written approval; (ii) generating any Invalid Clicks; (iii) directly or indirectly generating impressions, clicks, video plays, engagements, leads, or conversions through any automated, deceptive, fraudulent, or other unenforceable means, including without limitation: repeated manual clicks; the use of robots or other automated tools or computer-generated requests; the unauthorized use of other services or software; placing Advertisements on blank webpages or on webpages with no content; stacking Advertisements (e.g., placing one (1) Advertisement on top of one (1) another so that more than two (2) Advertisements are next to each other); incentivizing offers or creating the appearance of incentivized offers; placing statements near Advertisements requesting that users click on the Advertisement (e.g., “Please click here”) or visit the sponsor (e.g., “Please visit our sponsor”); placing misleading statements near the Advertisement (e.g., “You will win $1,000”); asking users to take advantage of other Advertisements or offers other than those listed by the particular Advertiser; serving Advertisements or driving traffic to such Advertisements; using any downloadable applications without the prior written approval of VDX.tv, which if provided, is subject in each case to the Advertisements being shown only once per user session when the application is active, enabled, and clearly recognizable by the user as being active and enabled and furthers that serving Advertisements at any time when the downloaded application is not active is strictly prohibited; using invisible methods to generate impressions, clicks, or transactions that are not initiated by the affirmative action of the user; attempting in any way to alter, modify, eliminate, conceal, or otherwise render inoperable or ineffective the Ad Tags, codes, links, pixels, modules or other data provided by or obtained from VDX.tv that allows VDX.tv to measure ad performance and provide its service; or delivering in-page Advertising code via pop- ups/unders; (iv) edit, modify, filter, truncate, or change the order of the information contained in any Advertisement or remove, obscure, or minimize any Advertisement in any way; (v) frame, minimize, remove, or otherwise inhibit the full and complete display of any Landing Page; (vi) redirect a user away from any Landing Page, provide a different version of the Landing Page that a user would access by going directly to the Landing Page, cause the display of any interstitial webpage(s) or any other thing between the Advertisement and the Landing Page or otherwise provide anything other than a direct link from an Advertisement to its corresponding Landing Page; (vii) directly or indirectly access, launch, or activate Advertisements through or from, or otherwise incorporate Advertisements into, any website, video application, or form of media other than Media Company Properties; (viii) disseminate malware; (ix) make use of format codes or creative formats for Advertisements provided by VDX.tv for any purpose other than the display of Advertisements pursuant to these Terms; (x) create a new account to use the VDX.tv Media Network after VDX.tv suspended or terminated Media Company’s account; (xi) act in a manner resulting in complaints from Advertisers regarding Media Company or Media Company’s performance hereunder; (xii) disparage VDX.tv, its products, or services; or (xiii) otherwise conduct itself in an unprofessional manner as determined by VDX.tv in its sole discretion.

4.6. Media Company acknowledges and agrees that its violation of these Terms will result in the immediate suspension or termination of Media Company’s Membership in the VDX.tv Media Network, without notice, and the Media Company’s forfeiture of all amounts that would otherwise be due to Media Company. Media Company acknowledges and agrees that its violation of these Terms will result in monetary and irreparable harm to VDX.tv’s reputation. Therefore, Media Company acknowledges and agrees that, in the event of its violation of these Terms, VDX.tv will be entitled to seek immediate injunctive relief, and Media Company will be liable to VDX.tv for damages related to any lost revenue, loss of brand value, or any other consequence resulting from or related to Media Company’s violation of these Terms.

5. Impression Counts; Reporting; Inventory

5.1. VDX.tv will provide Media Company with online reporting detailing the placement, Inventory, and earnings of Advertisements or offers on Media Company Properties through the Media Company Interface. VDX.tv will have no obligation to pay Media Company for Invalid Clicks or for the display of Advertisements in violation of these Terms. VDX.tv’s Inventory counts and earnings will be the sole and final source of measurement of campaigns run on Media Company Properties and payments to be made to Media Company hereunder. VDX.tv makes no guarantee that it will fill one hundred percent (100%) of the advertising Inventory on the Media Company Properties with paying Advertisements.

5.2. Media Company must report any suspected discrepancy to VDX.tv in writing (email permitted) within thirty (30) days of Media Company’s suspects the discrepancies. Reasonable efforts will be made to resolve discrepancies; provided, however, that any resolution is at VDX.tv’s sole discretion and final.

5.3. Media Company can manage advertiser exclusions through the Media Company Interface.

6. Payment Provisions

6.1. VDX.tv and Media Company will operate on a forty-five percent (45%)-fifty-five percent (55%) Net Revenue share basis where Media Company will be entitled to receive fifty-five percent (55%) of the Net Revenue generated through the placement of Advertisements on the Inventory and VDX.tv will be entitled to forty-five percent (45%) of the Net Revenue generated through the placement of Advertisements on the Inventory. The total revenue generated by the Media Company for any given period of time will be available through the Media Company Interface. Alternatively, VDX.tv may, in its sole discretion, pay Media Company a separate media fee in lieu of the fifty-five percent (55%) Net Revenue share basis based on a specific rate to be determined on a case-by-case basis for Advertisements that VDX.tv provides and Media Company delivers on its Inventory. All additional terms related to guaranteed rates and any special circumstances will be described in a written insertion order supporting the transaction.

6.2. If the Media Company Property is a Media Company Domain, a Media Company Site, a CTV/OTT Application, or a podcast, payments must be in U.S. Dollars (“USD”) except where Media Company elects a wire transfer or international ACH payment, for which Media Company will pay all applicable fees and service charges. Rates used for foreign exchange conversion are determined by VDX.tv’s financial services providers and are not subject to adjustment. All revenue share payments will be paid net forty-five (45) days following the end of each calendar month; provided, however, that no payment will be issued to Media Company in any month where total accumulated amounts due to Media Company do not total the lesser of fifty USD ($50.00) or the minimum amount agreed to in writing by the parties.

6.3. If the Media Company Property is a video application, all undisputed amounts due to Media Company by VDX.tv pursuant to these Terms will be paid within ninety (90) days of the end of each calendar month. If the amount owed to Media Company is less than one hundred USD ($100.00), VDX.tv will roll any such amounts forward until the payments due Media Company for the applicable month exceed one hundred USD ($100.00). If these Terms are terminated, VDX.tv will pay Media Company the undisputed balance within approximately one hundred and twenty (120) days of such termination.

6.4. Any monthly balance less than the minimum payment withdrawal amount will accumulate until such month in which the total accumulated and undisputed amount due to Media Company reaches the minimum payment withdrawal amount. Any dispute regarding a payment from VDX.tv hereunder must be submitted to VDX.tv in writing and described with reasonable particularity within thirty (30) daysfollowingtheendofthemonthinwhichsuchinaccuracyisbelievedtohaveoccurred. VDX.tv will make commercially reasonable efforts to resolve reported inaccuracies fairly. Resolution of payment disputes is made in VDX.tv’s sole discretion and all resolutions are final.

6.5. If VDX.tv pays Media Company by check, Media Company must cash such payment within one hundred and eighty (180) days of the date of the check; otherwise such check is null and void and Media Company waives all rights and claims to such payment.

7. Taxes

VDX.tv is required by U.S. law to collect certain tax withholding information from all Media Companies. Media Companies must submit such information upon activation of their account with VDX.tv. The accuracy and completeness of such information is the sole responsibility of Media Company. No payments will be made to Media Company until all required tax or other information has been provided. Where applicable, Media Company will be solely and exclusively responsible for the payment of any sales, use, consumption, value- added (i.e., indirect taxes) and other taxes including excise, digital, or similar taxes or surcharges (i.e., transaction taxes) imposed by a governmental authority arising solely from or directly related to any amount payable under these Terms other than taxes on VDX.tv’s net income and any taxes imposed upon VDX.tv under applicable law.

8. Privacy Policy

As a VDX.tv Media Network Member, you agree to be bound to the terms and conditions of VDX.tv’s Privacy Policy – located at https://vdx.tv/privacy, incorporated by reference herein.

VDX.tv is a member of the Network Advertising Initiative (“NAI”) and is committed to complying with NAI’s Code of Conduct (“NAI Code”). In support of the NAI Code, Media Company is required to maintain a privacy policy, readily available on its homepage, which: (i) complies with all applicable laws and regulations; (ii) includes a clear statement notifying users that Advertisements displayed on Media Company’s Domain may be delivered through one (1) or more third party advertising networks which may utilize Cookies in connection with the delivery of such Advertisements; (iii) provides consumers with an opportunity to opt-out of receiving Cookies from third party advertising networks through a link to the NAI opt-out page, located at https://optout.networkadvertising.org/?c=1#!%2F .

We are also active members of the Digital Advertising Alliance (“DAA”), and the Digital Advertising Alliance of Canada (“DAAC”) and are signatories to the DAA Self-Regulatory Principles for Online Behavioral Advertising and the DAAC Self-Regulatory Principles for Online Behavioural Advertising.

Under the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018, as amended (“CCPA”), Media Company must provide a clear mechanism for California consumers to opt-out of the sale of their personal information. This may involve a prominent link on every page where personal information is collected offering the user a “Do Not Sell my Personal Information” link which leads to an opt-out.

9. Collection and Use of Information and Data

9.1. California

Pursuant to CCPA, VDX.tv is in some instances a service provider, providing selected targeted advertising with Ad serving and associated reporting services to Media Company. In order to provide this service, VDX.tv works with a select subprocessors. The list of select subprocessors is available at https://vdx.tv/partnerships.

9.2. EU and UK

For the purposes of General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679, as amended (“GDPR”), VDX.tv is a data processor – processing data to deliver selected targeted advertising with Ad serving and associated reporting. The data involved in providing this service is listed at https://vdx.tv/privacy and the subprocessors involved in providing that service are listed at https://vdx.tv/partnerships.

9.2.1. Declaring Lawful Basis for Processing Legitimate Interest. Where you have agreed with VDX.tv that legitimate interest is a valid legal basis for processing of personal data, this must be disclosed as part of the Notification to Data Subjects. Consent for the Processing of Personal Data. As VDX.tv does not have a direct relationship with data subjects visiting your Sites or viewing Ad Units delivered to your Sites, in each case where consent is the lawful basis for processing personal data, you are solely responsible for obtaining, and ensuring that any third parties (where appropriate) obtain, the specific, informed, unambiguous, and freely given consent of each data subject for the processing of their personal data by or on behalf of VDX.tv, using the protocol established by IAB Europe at http://advertisingconsent.eu (“Industry Protocol”, unless otherwise agreed to by the parties). Our privacy policy (https://vdx.tv/privacy) and the Industry Protocol, will assist you in producing the required communication to, and obtaining necessary consents from, data subjects. Consent for the use of Cookies and collection of information from data subjects’ devices. As VDX.tv does not have a direct relationship with any data subject visiting your Sites or viewing Ad Units delivered to your Sites, and in each case where consent is necessary for the use of Cookies, other local storage, or collection of information from data subjects’ devices pursuant to applicable data protection laws, for any and all use of Cookies and the collection of information from data subjects’ devices, you are solely responsible for obtaining, and ensuring that any third parties (where appropriate) obtain, the specific, informed, unambiguous, and freely given consent of each data subject for the use of Cookies and the collection of information from data subjects’ devices in connection with the services by or on behalf of VDX.tv and any other third party enabled by you using the services using the Industry Protocol unless otherwise agreed to by the parties.

9.2.2. Notification. You will have, and ensure that all your Sites contain appropriate, clear, concise, and easily accessible notifications in accordance with applicable data protection laws that provide transparency to data subjects about what personal data is being processed by VDX.tv, the purposes of such processing, and disclosures by VDX.tv.

9.3. Data Subject and Consumer Rights

9.3.1. The parties will cooperate with each other in the fulfilment of their respective obligations related to data subject and consumer requests for access, rectification, erasure, restriction, portability, or other requests under applicable data protection laws.

9.3.2. A party will promptly notify the other party if it receives notice of any claim or complaint in connection with applicable data protection laws by any data subject or consumer in relation to their personal data processed in connection with the services of a party is responsible for under applicable data protection laws.

9.4. Privacy Shield

If VDX.tv so requests at any time, whether due to a legal challenge to the validity of the Privacy Shield framework or otherwise, the parties will negotiate promptly and in good faith to agree and implement one (1) or more appropriate mechanisms to permit the lawful export of personal data under applicable data protection laws, to the extent reasonably required by VDX.tv for performing these Terms.

9.5. Media Company agrees that VDX.tv, its advertisers, and business partners may utilize Company’s participation in the VDX.tv Media Network, collect, and analyze data and information from and related to users and to the Media Company Properties, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any terms of use or policies applicable to the Media Company Properties. Media Company agrees that VDX.tv, its advertisers, and business partners will own such data and information and may: (i) use such data and information for its own business purposes; (ii) market, disclose, and commercially exploit such data and information; (iii) combine such data and information with data and information collected from and obtained from other sources; and (iv) transfer and sublicense the rights to such data and information.

10. Service and Advertisements

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, except for the limited license rights expressly provided herein, VDX.tv and its advertisers have and will retain all rights, title, and interest in and to the Advertisements and the service and all copies, modifications, and derivative works thereof. Media Company agrees that it is obtaining only a limited, non-sublicenseable, non-transferable, non-exclusive, and revocable license to display the Advertisements and that irrespective of any use of the words “purchase”, “sale”, or like terms hereunder no ownership rights are being conveyed to Media Company under these Terms or otherwise.

11. Supplemental Terms for VDX.tv Media Company AdServer Users Only

11.1. A Media Company using VDX.tv’s Media Company AdServer (“AdServer”) or the associated application-program interface (“AdServer API”) is subject to these supplemental terms and conditions (“AdServer Supplemental Terms”). By signifying acceptance of these AdServer Supplemental Terms or making any use of the AdServer or the AdServer API (collectively, “AdServer Service”), Media Company irrevocably accepts these AdServer Supplemental Terms in effect at the time of such use and agrees that these AdServer Supplemental Terms are incorporated by reference into these Terms. VDX.tv reserves the right in its sole discretion to update and change these AdServer Supplemental Terms from time to time without prior notice or acceptance by Media Company; however, changes made to these AdServer Supplemental Terms will not apply to Media Company to the extent that (i) the changes concern matters that are part of an actual dispute between Media Company and VDX.tv as of the date the changes take effect; and (ii) VDX.tv has actual written notice of the dispute as of the date the changes take effect.

11.2. VDX.tv grants Media Company a limited, non-exclusive, non-sublicenseable, non- transferrable, and revocable license to access and use the AdServer Service to: (i) display Advertisements selected by Media Company (“Media Company-Selected Ads”) on the Media Company Properties; (ii) measure the display of and user interactions with the Media Company- Selected Ads; (iii) generate reports regarding the display of and user interactions with the Media Company-Selected Ads (“Campaign Reports”); (iv) use the Campaign Reports for Media Company’s own internal business purposes; and (v) share the Campaign Reports with the advertisers and agencies that purchased the inventory for the display of the Media Company-Selected Ads. This license to use the AdServer Service continues until it is terminated by Media Company or VDX.tv; provided, however, that a termination of this license to use the AdServer Service does not, in and of itself, terminate any other agreement between Media Company and VDX.tv.

11.3. Media Company agrees that the AdServer Service may be protected by copyrights, trademarks, service marks, international treaties or other proprietary rights and laws of the U.S. and other countries and that, as between Media Company and VDX.tv, VDX.tv owns all right, title, and interest in and to the AdServer Service. VDX.tv reserves all rights to the AdServer Service that are not expressly granted in these AdServer Supplemental Terms. Nothing in these Terms will be construed as granting Media Company any property rights in the AdServer Service or to any invention or any patent, copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property right that has been issued, or that may issue, based on the AdServer Service. The AdServer Service is licensed hereby, not sold. For the avoidance of doubt, the AdServer Service does not include any Media Company-Selected Ads which may be displayed or measured through the AdServer Service.

11.4. The AdServer Service may be available in free or paid versions or in different service levels. Not all of the features and functionality of the AdServer Service may be available in each version or service level. The features and functionality of each version or service level may change from time to time and prior without notice in VDX.tv’s sole discretion.

11.5. As between VDX.tv and Media Company, Media Company is solely responsible for setting, negotiating, monitoring, and enforcing the terms through which Media Company sells inventory for the display of Media Company-Selected Ads, including without limitation to terms regarding pricing, campaign management, billing, payment, and collections of amounts due, subject to the following:

11.5.1. The terms under which Media Company sells inventory for the display of Media Company- Selected Ads will not conflict these AdServer Supplemental Terms;

11.5.2. Media Company will not make any representation, warranty, guarantee, claim, or promise regarding the AdServer Service;

11.5.3.Media Company will not represent itself to be an employee, agent, partner, or legal representative of VDX.tv for any purpose; and

11.5.4. Media Company will not create or purport to create any obligation, responsibility, or liability on behalf of VDX.tv, including without limitation any obligation, responsibility, or liability arising from or related to billing, payment, or collections of any amounts due or claimed to be due as a result of transactions through which Media Company sells inventory for the display of Media Company- Selected Ads.

11.6. As between VDX.tv and Media Company, Media Company is solely responsible for the content of all Media Company-Selected Ads and for Media Company’s use of the AdServer Service and shall defend, indemnify, and hold VDX.tv, its officers, directors, affiliates, employees, agents, representatives, and advertisers harmless to the fullest allowable extent under law from and against any and all third party claims, demands, liabilities, expenses, losses, and damages (including attorney’s fees) resulting from or related to: (i) Media Company-Selected Ads; (ii) Media Company’s use of the AdServer Service; or (iii) Media Company’s breach of these AdServer Supplemental Terms.

11.7. VDX.tv reserves the right, at any time and in its sole discretion to: (i) change, suspend, or discontinue all or part of the AdServer Service; (ii) impose limits on Media Company’s use of, or restrict Media Company’s access to, all or part of the AdServer Service; or (iii) charge fees for use of or access to the AdServer Service.

11.8. Media Company may terminate its license to use the AdServer Service at any time by providing at least thirty (30) days’ prior written notice to VDX.tv and completely discontinuing use of the AdServer Service. VDX.tv may terminate Media Company’s license to use the AdServer Service at any time and for any reason in VDX.tv’s sole discretion.

12. Term; Termination

12.1. Either party may terminate these Terms at any time or for any reason upon written notice to the other party, provided, however, that Media Company must fulfill any Site-specific Advertising campaigns configured to run on Media Company Properties prior to such termination. VDX.tv is released from any and all outstanding payment obligations if these Terms are terminated by VDX.tv due to a breach or alleged breach of these Terms by Media Company. Media Company will remove all Ad Tags from the Media Company Properties and return all Confidential Information belonging to VDX.tv (and certify in writing that Media Company returned all such Confidential Information) no later than five (5) days after the termination of these Terms.

12.2. Notwithstanding anything else herein, VDX.tv may suspend or terminate Media Company’s account immediately and without notice in the event of: (i) any breach or alleged breach of these Terms by Media Company; (ii) complaints from Advertisers regarding Media Company or Media Company’s performance hereunder; (iii) Media Company disparaging VDX.tv, its products, or services; or (iv) Media Company otherwise conducting itself in an unprofessional manner as determined by VDX.tv in its sole discretion.

12.3. Upon termination of these Terms, VDX.tv will cease all use of the Media Company Marks (defined in Section 22 below). Sections 6 (only to the extent of payments owed to Media Company at the time of termination, if any), 7-10, 11.6 (if applicable), 14-18, 20 and 22 shall survive termination of these Terms.

13. Notices

Unless otherwise agreed to by the parties, all notices required hereunder will be provided via the Media Company Interface and deemed delivered to the other party immediately; provided, however, if such notice is received outside of VDX.tv’s regular business hours (9 AM to 5 PM (PST) Monday through Friday), including weekends and any U.S. holiday observed by VDX.tv, such notice will be deemed delivered to VDX.tv the next business day. It is Media Company’s sole responsibility to update and maintain accurate contact information in the Media Company Interface.

14. Confidentiality

Both parties understand and acknowledge that, during the performance of these Terms, each party may be required to disclose to the other certain information which a party regards as proprietary or confidential. As used herein, the term (ii) trade secrets, business plans, strategies, and methods; (iii) computer system architecture and network configurations; (iv) all information obtained through the Media Company Interface, including payment amounts received by Media Company hereunder; and (v) any other information relating to the Disclosing Party that is not generally known to the public, including information about the Disclosing Party’s personnel, products, customers, financial information, marketing, and pricing strategies.

“Confidential Information” means all information disclosed by a party (“Disclosing Party”) to the other party (“Receiving Party”), whether orally or in writing, that is designated as proprietary or confidential or the Receiving Party knows or should know, given the facts and circumstances surrounding the disclosure of the information by the Disclosing Party, is proprietary or confidential information of the Disclosing Party. Confidential Information includes without limitation: (i) these Terms;

Confidential Information does not include information that: (i) is in or enters the public domain without breach of these Terms through no fault of the Receiving Party; (ii) the Receiving Party can reasonably demonstrate was in its possession prior to first receiving it from the Disclosing Party; (iii) the Receiving Party can demonstrate was developed by the Receiving Party independently and without use of or reference to the Disclosing Party’s Confidential Information; or (iv) the Receiving Party receives from a third party without restriction on disclosure and without breach of a nondisclosure obligation. Except as otherwise permitted in writing by the Disclosing Party, the Receiving Party will: (a) use the same degree of care that it uses to protect the confidentiality of its own confidential information of like kind (but in no event less than reasonable care); (b) not use any Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party for any purpose outside the scope of these Terms; and (c) limit access to Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party to those of its employees, contractors, and agents who need such access for purposes consistent with these Terms and who have signed confidentiality agreements with the Receiving Party containing protections no less stringent than those herein. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Receiving Party may disclose the Disclosing Party’s Confidential Information if it is compelled to do so by law or in connection with other legal proceedings involving the Disclosing Party, provided that the Receiving Party gives the Disclosing Party prior written notice of such compelled disclosure (to the extent legally permitted) so as to permit the Disclosing Party a reasonable opportunity to prevent such disclosure.

15. Representations and Warranties

Media Company represents and warrants that: (i) it has all necessary rights and authority to enter into the relationship that is the subject of these Terms and to perform its obligations hereunder; (ii) at all times during the term of its relationship with VDX.tv, Media Company will conduct its business and fulfill its obligations hereunder in compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations including without limitation to CCPA; GDPR; Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998, as amended (“COPPA”); California Online Privacy Protection Act of 2003, as amended (“CalOPPA”); and Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography And Marketing Act of 2003, as amended (“CAN-SPAM Act”); and (iii) Media Company will at all times comply with Sections 3 and 8 above.

16. Disclaimer of Warranties



17. Indemnification

Media Company is solely responsible for all content appearing on Media Company Properties and will hold VDX.tv, its officers, directors, affiliates, employees, agents, representatives, advertisers, and subcontractors harmless from and against any and all third party claims, demands, liabilities, expenses, losses, and damages (including attorney’s fees) resulting from or related to: (i) content on or the operation of Media Company Properties (other than unmodified Advertisements or other content provided by VDX.tv hereunder); (ii) Media Company’s breach of these Terms, including a breach or alleged breach of any representation, warranty, or covenant made by Media Company in these Terms; (iii) infringement or violation or alleged infringement or violation by Media Company or users of the Media Company Properties of any intellectual property right, including but not limited to any trademark, copyright, patent, right of publicity, or any other intellectual property right, whether known now or later discovered; or (iv) Media Company’s violation of any law, regulation, or rule – including without limitation, the CCPA, GDPR, COPPA, CalOPPA, CAN-SPAM Act, or any similar privacy law, rule, or regulation; or (v) Media Company’s violation of Section 4 of these Terms. VDX.tv may, in its sole discretion, assume the exclusive defence and control of any matter otherwise subject to indemnification by Media Company. VDX.tv may participate in the defence of all claims as to which it does not assume defence and control, and Media Company will not settle any such claim without VDX.tv’s prior written consent.

18. Limitations on Liability


19. Right to Modify Terms

VDX.tv reserves the right in its sole discretion to change or alter the services and technology it provides Media Company or these Terms from time to time without prior notice to Media Company; however, changes made to these Terms will not apply to Media Company to the extent that (i) the changes concern matters that are the subject of an actual dispute between Media Company and VDX.tv as of the date the changes take effect;and(ii)VDX.tvhasactualnoticeofthedisputeasofthedatethechangestakeeffect. UpdatedTerms will be posted on VDX.tv’s website. Continued participation in the VDX.tv Media Network following the posting of such updated Terms constitutes Media Company’s consent to be bound by such updated Terms.

20. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

These Terms are governed by the laws of the State of California without regard to its conflicts of law provisions. All disputes between the parties arising from or concerning in any manner the subject matter of these Terms will be resolved through binding arbitration by JAMS in San Francisco, California.

21. Intellectual Property License

Media Company hereby grants to VDX.tv a limited, non-transferable (except as provided for herein), non- exclusive license, during the term of Media Company’s participation in VDX.tv, to use and display the trademarks and logos associated with the Media Company Properties (“Media Company Marks”) for the purpose of listing and promoting the Media Company as a member of VDX.tv in connection with marketing to and communication with potential advertisers.

22. Miscellaneous

22.1. The parties hereto are independent contractors, and nothing contained herein or done in performance of these Terms will constitute either party as the agent or employee of the other party or constitute the parties as partners or joint ventures.

22.2. Media Company may not assign or otherwise transfer, whether voluntarily or by operation of law, any of the rights or obligations contained herein without the prior written consent of VDX.tv. VDX.tv may transfer or assign its obligations under these Terms without Media Company’s consent in connection with the sale, transfer, or reorganization of VDX.tv’s business.

22.3. These Terms constitute the entire agreement between the parties as to the subject matter hereof and supersede any prior proposals, agreements, or representations between the parties.

22.4. The waiver by either party of a breach or right under these Terms will not constitute a waiver of any other or subsequent breach or right. If any provision of these Terms is found to be invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, such provision will be severed from the remainder of these Terms, which will remain in full force and effect.

22.5. Media Company consents and agrees that the use of a key pad, mouse or other device to select an item, button, icon or similar action while using any VDX.tv service, or in accepting or making any transaction regarding any agreement, including the Terms and the Code of Conduct, constitutes the signature, acceptance, and accord of Media Company as if actually signed by Media Company in handwriting. Further, Media Company agrees that no certification authority or other third party verification is necessary to the validity of Media Company’s electronic signature, and that the lack of such certification or third party verification will not in any way affect the enforceability of Media Company’s electronic signature or any resulting agreement between Media Company and VDX.tv.