Adaptez votre façon d’interagir avec vos audiences sur de multiples écrans
Le but n’est pas de diffuser votre publicité. Le but est d’intéresser le consommateur et de lui faire comprendre votre message pour que vous puissiez voir de vrais résultats.
Chez Exponential, nous bousculons le modèle traditionnel de publicité intrusive et remettons la décision de regarder, ou de ne pas regarder, entre les mains du consommateur. Nos formats vidéo innovants, impliquant directement les utilisateurs, aident les marques et leurs équipes à capter l’attention et engager leur audience.
Maximize Brand Impact In-stream
VDX Interactive Pre-roll
Exponential’s VDX Interactive Pre-roll experience is uniquely designed to drive user engagement. Advertisers can deliver their brand message within the stream where the targeted user is visually engaged. This allows advertisers to capture their audiences’ attention by drawing them into an opt-in interactive brand experience.
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Enhance Ad Effectiveness In-Page
VDX Billboard
Bigger. Better. More impactful. The VDX Billboard commands a user’s active attention. This user-initiated interactive masthead employs multi-stage expansion that intuitively pulls viewers into the experience while focusing their attention on your content and message. The VDX Billboard is a powerful format for delivering video and driving engagement with your brand.
VDX Halfpage
The VDX Halfpage offers the scale of display while using video as the centerpiece of a compelling full-page takeover experience. A flowing multi-stage expansion smoothly pulls viewers into the experience while focusing their attention on your content and message.
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Extend Brand Touch Across Mobile and Tablet
VDX Adhesion Banner
The VDX Adhesion Banner is a mobile-first ad format that delivers constant awareness and a better way for brands to connect with their audience. This video-enabled rich-media adhesion unit provides 10% share of screen with non-intrusive ad viewability. Upon interaction users are drawn into an engaging full-screen brand experience. All adhesion banners employ responsive design and are produced and delivered at no charge.
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