In an interconnected world, live events have become a big part of the collective experience. Putting a significant investment into championship games, entertainment award shows and music festivals means that marketers have a small window of opportunity to make a lasting impact.
However, only 35% of marketers consistently measure the impact or effectiveness of their sponsorship activities.1 The brand marketers who do choose to measure the effects of their sponsorship dollars tend to focus primarily on reach and awareness.2
To help brands achieve the greatest ROI from live event initiatives, Exponential developed a playbook of winning strategies for brand marketers across all verticals to drive measurable results before, during and after each live event.
1. Hartley, Paul. “Measuring the Value of Sponsorships: The High Impact but Oft-Forgotten Area of Brand Research.” FreshMR, 24 Mar. 2015,
2. Nanji, Ayaz. “How Marketers Measure the Effectiveness of Sponsorship and Event Initiatives.” MarketingProfs, 20 Nov. 2013,