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Research Study: Interactive VDX ad formats outperform pre-roll across brand metrics

OVERVIEW Exponential commissioned Dynata, an online sampling and data collection company, to study the effectiveness of both interactive VDX formats and standard pre-roll on brand awareness, purchase intent and overall ad experiences with in-market consumers. METHODOLOGY Participants within a 300-person in-market sample group were asked to view the ad units in a forced environment. Upon viewing completion, participants were presented…

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Case Study: Pizza Hut

Find out how Pizza Hut’s award-winning, video-driven campaign with Mindshare and Exponential increased brand lift by 20 percent.

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Case Study: Riverland

OBJECTIVE Riverland, a themed dining and retail destination, wanted to drive awareness to increase footfall to the themed Park in Dubai. SOLUTION In order to maximise awareness, Exponential recommended  their suite of  VDX  units across desktop, and mobile to create deeper brand engagement and increase reach. Exponential optimised the campaign towards top performing audience segments such as: theme park enthusiasts,…

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Case Study: Pizza Hut

Engagement formats work for performance outcomes Mindshare and Pizza Hut partnered with Exponential to increase brand lift and drive online orders of the Pizza Hut All Stars meal, through interactive VDX video ad formats. The campaign ultimately generated 20 percent brand lift QoQ and the engagement formats were found to have factored into 10 percent of the paths to conversions…

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Auto Case Study: Mazda

OBJECTIVE In a highly competitive and saturated automotive market, Mazda is constantly on the lookout for new and innovative offerings to showcase Mazda vehicles in a manner that engages buyers. Mazda partnered with Exponential to drive brand awareness in market, for the CX-5. SOLUTION Mazda collaborated with Exponential to build a campaign that unified creative content with desired performance, ensuring…

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A Life Without Pixels

Animated video exploring the reasons why no marketer should overlook the power of pixels in their digital advertising campaigns.

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A Life Without Contextualization

How does page-level contextualization work? When consumers visit a web page, their associated interests and intentions are captured and attached to anonymous profiles, which become interest-based audiences. From this data, advertisers can identify relevant users, qualify high-value consumers and amplify reach to new prospects. Want to unlock the power of page-level contextualization? Watch the video below to learn more! Check out…

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A Life Without Optimization

How does audience-efficient real-time optimization work? Audience-efficient real-time optimization uses machine learning technology to analyze consumer interests at the user-level and in real-time. The process occurs more quickly, efficiently and effectively than any human planning team could ever hope to replicate and produces highly detailed real-time insights into consumer behavior. Want to target audiences more efficiently? Watch the video below…

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A Life Without Pixels

What is a pixel? A pixel is a small piece of code that fires when a user visits a website. By collecting user data, pixels help advertisers build audience models and identity likely converters. Want to understand how pixels can help your advertising campaign? Watch the video below to learn more! Check out the other animated videos from our “A…

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The ABCs of Better Video Campaigns

On average, advertisers spent more than $9 million annually for their brand’s digital video advertising in 2017, a 67 percent increase from 2015, according to the IAB Video Ad Spend Study. Video also represents more than 50 percent of advertisers’ digital/mobile ad spending. But are these campaigns performing as best as they can? What are the components of a great…

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Exponential Unveils New Performance-Based Video Solution: VDX Connect

EMERYVILLE, Calif – Exponential Interactive, one of the largest digital advertising companies reaching more than 700 million users monthly, has released a new video solution that can be held accountable to performance metrics as measured by last-view or other performance attribution models. VDX Connect allows brands to reach consumers with interactive video messaging at scale across various ad formats. The…

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Audience Insights: Podcast Listeners

Podcasts have experienced a tremendous surge in popularity over the past few years. To better understand the interests and behaviors of podcast listeners, Exponential put its audience-efficient real-time optimization engine to work and uncovered the insights advertisers need to know.

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PepsiCo Case Study

Find out how a global brand like PepsiCo leveraged holiday festivities and increased spending to encourage brand awareness and drive engagement, using Exponential’s VDX unit.

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Episode 3

The marketing funnel is perhaps the most famous and utilised piece of marketing theory. The consumer journey through the stages of awareness and consideration, to purchase and brand loyalty is long established. But is it changing? And can marketers now rely on that journey as a lens through which to plan campaigns and strategies? Our panel discusses what the state…

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PepsiCo Case Study

OBJECTIVE Leveraging the holiday festivities and increased spending prior to the Chinese New Year celebrations, PepsiCo aimed to promote the Pepsi product by driving engagement through a contest and directing consumers to their website. SOLUTION Exponential proposed the Video-Driven Experience (VDX) ad unit to fulfill PepsiCo’s requirements. With its innovative and customisable ad features, complete opt-in functionality and ability to…

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Podcast Listeners

The modest podcast has experienced a tremendous surge in popularity over the past few years. As a testament to the medium’s growth, we’re seeing many leading brands and venture capital-funded companies adopting podcasts as a promotional channel to drive brand awareness and engagement. And it seems to be working. According to Magid’s “Mobile Lifestyle Study 2017”, 41% of U.S. mobile…

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Episode 2

The market has 99 problems, but a lack of attribution models ain’t one. However, in a world in which people are inundated with endless messages across multiple platforms, and the demands on time and attention are more intense than ever, are we measuring the right things? In this episode, our panel debate whether one model will win out, or whether…

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The Point of Connection – Podcast Series

Exponential has partnered up with Mumbrella Bespoke to bring you an exciting three-part podcast series, “The Point Of Connection”. This podcast series dives into the latest hot topics of the digital marketing industry.

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The Advertiser’s Guide to Viewability

Digital advertising KPIs have been both a blessing and a curse. While much of the industry still look to KPIs such as impressions and clicks, others have chosen to focus on return on advertising spend (ROAS) and completed views. For marketers looking to drive offline sales or who have products with longer consideration cycles, measuring viewability makes sense. But while viewability…

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Episode 1

This podcast episode examines whether AI and voice technology will change marketing, and, if so, exactly how? Our panel blitzed past the buzzwords to ask how this new wave of voice devices are different from Siri’s debut on phones year ago. We also examine which products and brands are leading the way, whether Australia is leading or lagging on these…

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The Point of Connection

Exponential and Mumbrella Bespoke have joined forces to bring you a three-part podcast series called “The Point of Connection”, examining the latest topics transfixing the marketing industry. Join a curated panel of smart and diverse experts in discussing and providing insights on the powerful points of connection which exist between brands and consumers. Episode 1 Artificial Intelligence and Voice: How…

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GDPR – advertisers

Advertisers We work closely with leading brand name advertisers all over the world. We have a track record of achieving effective performance for those advertisers by applying innovative technology against what used to be regarded as anonymous data. The EU General Data Protection Regulation now views any user-unique data as personal data, which means we need to restate and formalize…

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GDPR – publishers

Publishers At Exponential, we are proud to have direct relationships with hundreds of publishers worldwide, and we’re always striving to help our partners navigate the ever-changing industry landscape. With the new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) representing the latest such change, we’re here to help. In preparation for the GDPR, there are two key areas to address: publisher privacy…

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Playbook for Live Events

View Exponential’s playbook of winning strategies, developed to help brand marketers drive lasting impact and measurable results before, during and after each live event sponsorship.

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Playbook for Live Events

In an interconnected world, live events have become a big part of the collective experience. Putting a significant investment into championship games, entertainment award shows and music festivals means that marketers have a small window of opportunity to make a lasting impact. However, only 35% of marketers consistently measure the impact or effectiveness of their sponsorship activities.1 The brand marketers who…

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Auto Case Study: BMW

Find out why BMW New Zealand chose Exponential’s video-driven experiences (VDX) to showcase their range of BMW M Performance vehicles and suite of accessories, and drive consumer engagement.

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Auto Case Study: BMW

OBJECTIVE BMW’s objectives were to showcase and feature the range of BMW M vehicles and BMW M Performance Accessories available, targeting an audience of high-earning income customers, both current and prospective. SOLUTION Exponential recommended using VDX formats – user-initiated, video-driven experiences – which allow brands to capture the consumer’s attention and drive higher response. This was the ideal solution to…

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An Advertiser’s Guide to Brand Safety

Building a brand is not an easy feat – growing your brand, cultivating awareness, and earning the trust of customers and clients often requires years and years of hard work to accomplish.

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An Advertiser’s Guide to Brand Safety

Building a brand is not an easy feat – growing your brand, cultivating awareness, and earning the trust of customers and clients often requires years and years of hard work to accomplish. In today’s uncertain digital environment, one small misstep can potentially cause immeasurable, and in some cases even irreversible, damage to those years of work. For this reason, brand…

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Exponential Receives New Accreditation by the Trustworthy Accountability Group

Recognized for combatting ad fraud with Certified Against Fraud Seal EMERYVILLE, Calif - (November 1, 2017) – Exponential Interactive, one of the largest digital advertising companies globally reaching over 700 million users monthly, has been accredited by the Trustworthy Accountability Group (TAG) with its “Certified Against Fraud” Seal. The accreditation follows TAG’s ‘Certified Against Fraud’ Guidelines, and was achieved via…

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Auto Case Study: Land Rover

See how Exponential showcased the versatility of Discovery Sport as a SUV with dynamic design and features in South Africa, targeting high-earning income current and prospective customers.

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Auto Case Study: Land Rover

OBJECTIVE Land Rover wanted to showcase the versatility of Discovery Sport as a SUV with dynamic design and features in South Africa, targeting high-earning income current and prospective customers. SOLUTION In a highly competitive and saturated automotive market, it’s essential for Land Rover to deliver their brand message in a way that can emotionally connect with their customers. Exponential opted…

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The Beating Heart Of Advertising – The challenges and opportunities in the digital media industry

At Exponential’s recent Australia Brand Summit, we organised a panel of distinguished media representatives to discuss the current opportunities and challenges in the digital media industry. As part of the panel, we had a representative from a leading agency Dentsu Mitchell, a leading bank ANZ, an industry board member from the IAB, and Exponential’s Managing Director – APAC. In this…

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Phish “phans” and how data informs marketers

Data is the air that marketers breathe, yet it’s not always clear how to approach it. What data should I be using? How can I make all my data fit together? What types of audiences and segments do I need to reach the right consumers? These are just some of the questions on the minds of marketers.

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The Beating Heart Of Advertising – How To Achieve Human Engagement In The Mobile Ecosystem

To keep evolving with mobile advertising, brands and agencies really need to understand the best ways to connect with people in this medium. At Exponential’s recent Brand Summit, Nicole Liebmann, Head of Mobile – APAC and South Africa, stated that acknowledgement and understanding of these intricacies is the key that unlocks mobile versatility and campaign success. “Understanding the unique and…

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Millennial Financial Trends

Compared to their parents, many Millennials are insecure when it comes to their finances. They fear they will not be able to find their dream job, buy a house or retire at a reasonable age. Why is this the case? To help marketers better understand the Millennial mindset, our Insights Services Team explored the financial trends of this key consumer segment as they…

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The Beating Heart Of Advertising

At Exponential’s recent Brand Summit, Exponential’s Director of Global Sales Strategy, Tyler Greer, discussed the critical role people play in both understanding data and developing creative campaigns with humans at the heart, translating to meaningful advertising to consumers. Check out the presentation highlights.

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The Beating Heart Of Advertising

At Exponential’s recent Brand Summit, Exponential’s Director of Global Sales Strategy, Tyler Greer, discussed the critical role people play in both understanding data and developing creative campaigns with humans at the heart, translating to meaningful advertising to consumers. “You need the right people to understand data, and the right data to understand people. By understanding and translating the story, you…

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Travel Case Study: Full-funnel Solution

CHALLENGE A popular cruise line needed to increase qualified site traffic and new bookings. To achieve its goals, they turned to Exponential to execute a full funnel solution across desktop and mobile. SOLUTION Over the course of a month, we inspired consumers to travel using Standard Pre-roll and our suite of highly effective, user-initiated VDX formats: Generating 1.98M completed video…

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Exponential Australia Brand Summit

Exponential Australia invited key brand and agency partners on a journey to the spectacular Mornington Peninsula for an exclusive two-day summit, presenting the finest cross-section of thought-leading content. Watch highlights of our event.

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Exponential Australia Brand Summit

The Exponential Brand Summit allowed us to take a group of key Australian and New Zealand brands and agency partners on a journey to a spectacular venue with a line-up of innovative and inspiring speakers to present the finest cross-section of thought-leading content. Alongside all of who attended, we explored the role of data, technology and people in today’s media, learning how…

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Consumer Journey: Travel Edition

Travel marketers are required to plan successful campaigns across a landscape in which the traveler no longer follows the traditional beaten tracks. The only certainty we have left is that almost every journey starts with a click.

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Evolve: The Future of Marketing

Exponential is the next evolution of communications, insight and invention. Throughout history, an explosion of new channels and mediums has challenged the process of mass marketing to the individual consumer. Exponential’s network empowers marketers to zero in on individual consumers with exceptional confidence and dexterity, through a single integrated platform. Learn how marketers can intelligently track and learn from individual…

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Case Study: Auto

Exponential increased foot traffic for a leading auto manufacturer by 68% using VDX user-initiated ad units.

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Brand Safety

Page Guard is a unique four-tier verification system committed to providing advertisers with a safe environment to run their campaigns Download the PDF SITE-LEVEL VERIFICATION Leveraging our direct publisher relationships, we only serve ads where we can verify the URL of the page with 100% certainty. We generate unique, encrypted ad tags for every device/browser that contain code to ensure that…

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One on One: Bryan Melmed on a Better, More Relevant Ad Experience

Exponential is a “digital advertising experience provider” across desktop, laptop, and mobile, with a global footprint, says Bryan Melmed, VP of Insights Services. In this podcast, Melmed shares forceful, sometimes controversial views on big data, cross-device targeting, and programmatic — and breaks down human behavior into three intriguing layers.

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Exponential Webinar

Exponential recently conducted several research studies globally to demonstrate the power of interactive video when compared with standard digital ad formats.

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An online car rental company wanted to build awareness of their services, while driving site visits and sign-ups for service information.

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As part of a plan to diversify their overall media strategy, Verizon shifted budget from TV to online video.

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Exponential created an interactive campaign using standard pre-roll, dismissible polite pre-roll and video-in-video units which leveraged the long form Colour Riche video.

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Is Viewability Valuable?

Thanks to advancements in technology, viewability has not only become a popular discussion topic in the industry, it’s also now a (relatively) measurable currency. Exponential has reviewed the popular industry topic and has developed a whitepaper to explore the issue.

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The Power of Video-Driven Experiences

To better understand the effectiveness of different digital ad formats, Exponential commissioned research firm EyeSee to evaluate the impact of Exponential’s VDX video ad formats versus standard pre-roll and display ad formats.

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Exponential CEO Dilip DaSilva featured in Adotas on Transparency

Recently, Proctor and Gamble called on the media buying and selling industry to get its act together and demanded transparency into the whole supply chain. When I buy Proctor and Gamble’s products, I don’t ask them for transparency into their supply chain. In fact, I buy their products knowing that I will get high quality products at competitive prices because I can choose between many competing brands.

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Exponential’s CEO Dilip DaSilva featured in MediaPost

The fact that transparency has become a requirement is an indication that clients haven’t set up a competitive environment where multiple players are competing to drive results for their brand. A highly competitive environment should be the requirement, with transparency delivered as an add-on. Still, this platform is a step in the right direction.

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Performance Strategy Questions for Marketers

Over the past 15 years, Exponential has engaged in countless conversations with direct brands and agencies about the best way to set up their campaigns. Through these conversations, Exponential identified the key questions that marketers should be asking performance partners at every stage of a campaign’s life cycle. This guide outlines what marketers can do to achieve the most out…

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Exponential’s CEO Dilip DaSilva featured in Exchange Wire

The YouTube Boycott & Brand Management in the Age of Trump This recent incident of hundreds of brands boycotting YouTube and Google is very different from anything we have seen before. The situation all seemingly started with an article breaking the news of video ads appearing alongside extremist videos and, within a week, hundreds of brands decided to boycott YouTube.…

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Exponential’s CEO Dilip DaSilva Talks The Youtube Boycott & Brand Management in the Age of Trump to ExchangeWire

This recent incident of hundreds of brands boycotting YouTube and Google is very different from anything we have seen before. The situation all seemingly started with an article breaking the news of video ads appearing alongside extremist videos and, within a week, hundreds of brands decided to boycott YouTube. Writing exclusively for ExchangeWire, Dilip DaSilva, CEO, Exponential, asks whether this is an orchestrated event. These brands are likely not talking to each other and collectively deciding to pull out. Yet, this situation has snowballed fairly quickly, which leads us to scratch our heads wondering why.

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Exponential’s Rick Abell featured in Digiday’s “WTF is VPAID?”

VPAID has two big advantages compared to the standard VAST video script: Interactivity and measurement. “VAST is for your vastly vanilla type of creatives, whereas publishers that adopt VPAID will get paid because it allows their video players to accept more ad types”, said Rick Abell, vp of global publisher development for ad intelligence firm Exponential.

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Exponential listed #1 on AllAdsNetwork’s Top 10 CMP Ad Networks 2017

Exponential is one of the largest CPM advertising networks known for their huge customer base and premium quality ads…the network is brand safe and the innovative ad platform delivers a great ad experience to the right audience. Exponential ads drive a good user engagement and action. Top 10 CPM Ad Networks in 2017 For most of the online publishers, CPM Ads…

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Machine learning and the customer journey

As we dive into 2017, the marketing industry conversation around big data has evolved into a discussion on the growing use of machine learning and the inevitable disruption this will create among planning and campaign delivery teams.

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Pre-Inauguration Anxiety By the Numbers – How President Trump is Affecting Consumer Sentiment

A dramatic political transition is mesmerizing the nation. It’s not so much that things are changing, it’s that the change was entirely unexpected — and when it comes to uncertainty, Trump is the gift that keeps on giving. As a result, a significant percentage of the U.S. population is exhibiting signs of heightened anxiety. We see it in our data, in the aggregate, across millions of anonymous user profiles, and almost entirely in Democratic areas.

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2017’s five biggest marketing challenges and opportunities

2016 represented an exciting leap into new pastures for the marketing community. Augmented reality broke into the mainstream thanks to the extraordinary success of Pokémon Go!, opening marketing minds to the possibilities of AR and virtual reality. At the same time, artificial intelligence also had a break out year thanks largely to chatbots in the service space, but marketers too were able to start capitalising on AI’s maturity, courtesy of its application to the likes of semantic analysis and segmentation.

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What can we learn from the younger generation’s Christmas spending?

The winter holidays are known as a time for families. But what about young adults without children, or new families without established holiday traditions? We’re talking about the marketer’s favourite target audience, 18-30 year olds. As one would expect, this demographic have their own take on the holidays.

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Rise Of The Machines: Why Marketers Need To Place More Trust In Machine Learning

The ad tech industry has been on a journey; applying more technology to their audience targeting and optimisation strategies than ever before. Developments in technology, such as sophisticated machine learning, have changed the process of data collection and analysis, enabling it to grow massively in the last few years and shifting from a predictive approach to a cognitive one.

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Is the UK’s display viewability really in decline?

Earlier this year, ad solutions provider Meetrics released a report that looked into the current state of online ad viewability in the UK and claimed it was at its lowest level in 18 months. The study suggests that online ad viewability levels took a drastic slump from 54% to 47% in the second quarter of 2016; leaving the UK lagging behind other European countries.

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Inside Events: Exponential’s EMENA Brand Summit 2016

Advertising intelligence and digital media solutions provider, Exponential, led their annual 2016 EMENA Brand Summit in picturesque Ischia in Italy last week. The two day event provided a unique learning experience, offering the select few of industry experts in attendance with insights from thought- provoking speakers and game-changing thinkers within the digital media industry.

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For marketers, Brexit is already here

Many advertisers overlook the impact of uncertainty on their customers. Bureaucrats in London and Brussels will struggle to negotiate Article 50 for months to come, but for marketers Brexit is already here.

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Can viewability measure the effectiveness of online video ads?

In late 2015, the Drum published an article within which the author stated that over the next 12 months, viewability would re-emerge as a key industry issue and that digital video would be a key driving force behind this. With more brands focusing their ad budgets on digital video over traditional television ads, the importance of being able to track their performance and effectiveness has thrust viewability to the forefront of discussion.

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Unmasked: The mystery of the Trump voter

This year’s election has broken so many rules that it barely resembles a political process. Few predicted that Donald Trump would be the last Republican candidate standing, let alone that the Grand Old Party would subsequently rally around him.

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Why marketers need to learn to trust the machines

City A.M. previously published an article titled “Why marketers need humans behind the programmatic steering wheel”. The author highlighted how automation has transformed the marketing industry, and argued that for marketers to achieve successful automation, humans need to lead as machines lack the ability to predict or detect subtle changes or circumstances that make consumers respond to ads.

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Part 4 – Why Optimize Your Audience?

Many of the media and audience targeting choices today are still manual. Learn why it is important to trust automated optimization for evaluating audiences. In part four of our four part series on Trusting The Machine in Online Marketing we look at: Why you should trust the machine to make targeting decisions in marketing Going beyond audience targeting to audience…

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Part 3 – Targeting vs. Optimization

Learn about the importance of valuing users, creating a complex profile and the benefit of automating the optimization process. In part three of our four part series on Trusting The Machine in Online Marketing we look at: The opportunity of valuing users individually for online campaigns Why having more than one audience in a profile is important The benefit of…

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Part 2 – Understanding Audience Evaluation

Learn why marketers should care about the importance of statistical analysis when evaluating audiences. In part two of our four part series on Trusting The Machine in Online Marketing we look at: The importance of statistical techniques in evaluation How to evaluate your audiences How machines can handle the complexity of online behaviour and interests If you like it, please…

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Part 1 – Discovering Your Audience

Learn why marketers should care about audience discovery and how trusting the machine can help make better marketing decisions. In part one of our four part series on Trusting The Machine in Online Marketing we look at: What audience discovery is and why marketers should care What online audiences are What audience evaluation is Why marketers need to go beyond…

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Trust the machine video

Should marketers look to trust the machine with their online advertising campaigns today? Data collection and analysis has grown massively in the last few years but many of the media and audience targeting choices are still a manual process. Digital media is moving towards an automated approach especially with the rise of programmatic. So why is it important to trust…

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Exponential announces EMENA HR Director

Exponential has hired an EMENA HR Director. Sarah Innes joins the firm from London Bridge Hospital. She has also worked for Hospital Corporation America, the world’s biggest private hospital group.

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Are we missing the point on online ad viewability?

Viewability is still a divisive subject within the ad tech industry, but while the benefit of a viewability goal to advertisers is that it ensures their ad has appeared to a user, it doesn’t determine whether that user engaged with it and whether that user is your target audience. So what use is a viewable ad, if it isn’t engaged with? Perhaps the industry needs to re-align its focus on viewability.

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The Triple Threat Of Ad Blocking, Viewability & Fraud

The everyday challenges of marketers are constantly changing – from the introduction of new technologies to the shifting habits of consumers. Yet, there are some major challenges that have been sticking around and including viewability, fraud and ad blocking. How can marketers adapt? Viewability Viewability is mainly a question of pricing. The tools marketers can use to assure good viewability,…

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Exponential Interactive Named Finalist for sfBIG’s BIG Star Award

Exponential recognized for its data report on Republican primary voters by the sfBIG panel of judges We are excited to announce that Exponential has been named a finalist for sfBIG’s BIG Star Award in the category of “Best Use of BIG Data.” The submission for this category included an audience insights brief on which celebrities and musicians held the greatest sway with…

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Exponential Study Finds Interactive Video Units Outperform Standard Banner, Pre-roll Ads

Eye tracking and facial coding technology measure emotional, physical reactions to interactive ads EMERYVILLE, CA (April 13, 2016) – Exponential Interactive, one of the largest leading global providers of digital advertising solutions, reaching more than 700 million users each month, has released its study titled The Power of Video-Driven Experiences: What Attention, Emotion and Perception Can Tell Us About Good…

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Exponential Interactive Appoints Ittai Shiu as Vice President Creative Strategy

Former General Manager of Video Promoted to New Leadership Role EMERYVILLE, CA – April 5, 2016 - Exponential Interactive, one of the largest leading global providers of digital advertising solutions reaching more than 700 million users each month, has appointed Ittai Shiu to the position of Vice President Creative Strategy, a new role. Shiu, previously General Manager, Video, is tasked…

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Exponential launches AERO technology in EMENA

Exponential have announced the expansion of its brand performance offering into new markets across the EMENA region. Exponential’s performance offering is enhanced by AERO, an innovative algorithm that transforms the performance of online campaigns by optimising them in real-time using transparent interest-based audience models.

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Microsoft Ethnography Study

Exponential partnered with Microsoft Australia to conduct a qualitative ethnographic study on a 2015 advertising campaign. Thirty participants were asked to describe their thoughts and emotions when exposed to a standard pre-roll ad versus Exponential’s VDX interactive pre-roll ad. The results: The VDX pre-roll ad format was better received as it gave consumers the time to explore the advertiser’s content…

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Exponential launches performance offering in EMENA using AERO technology to transform online campaign performance

Applies interest-based audience modelling directly to ad decisions; increases campaign performance by an average of 24 percent 23 March 2016 – Exponential Interactive today announced the expansion of its brand performance offering into new markets across the EMENA region. Exponential’s performance offering is enhanced by AERO, an innovative algorithm that transforms the performance of online campaigns by optimising them in real-time…

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Exponential’s Oscars Prediction Data Featured in VentureBeat

For the past three years, digital advertising firm Exponential has correctly predicted the winner of the Best Picture Oscar at the Academy Awards using a model built from its treasure chest of big data on consumers. That would be interesting in most years to film nerds like me. But it’s particularly interesting this year, as the ceremony is engulfed in the…

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The Big Short to win Oscar, indepth analysis shows

A digital marketing company which has used predictive modelling to successfully forecast the past three Best Picture Oscar winners is staking its reputation once again on this year’s winner, while claiming its system would be highly beneficial to brand owners.

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Exponential Interactive Appoints Jessica Batt as New Global Marketing Director

Former APAC Marketing Director promoted to new global role EMERYVILLE, CA - Exponential Interactive, one of the largest leading global providers of digital advertising solutions reaching more than 700 million users each month, has appointed Jessica Batt to the position of Global Marketing Director.  Jessica, previously Marketing Director APAC, joins the Global Leadership Team to work with the company’s country…

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Exponential hires VisualDNA exec to drive programmatic growth

London – January 2016 – Jon Hewson has been appointed as UK Sales Director at digital advertising solutions company, Exponential Interactive, to strengthen its sales infrastructure as it rolls out its new programmatic offerings in 2016. Hewson joins from VisualDNA where he developed their commercial proposition into a market-leading programmatic data source. He will run Exponential’s sales team and report…

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MediaPost features Exponential’s Bryan Melmed: Is Your Data Telling the Truth?

Everyone lies at one point or another — especially when they are asked to describe themselves. Marketers tend to rely on surface demographics such as age, gender and income, but unfortunately, people even fudge these for a multitude of reasons. How can advertisers be assured that the data they’re receiving is accurate? One way you can be more confident in…

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Exponential partners with Flipkart for the Big Billion Day sale in India

Flipkart to be the first advertiser in India to use Exponential’s new proprietary VDX ad formats Delhi, India: 15 October 2015 – Exponential Interactive is involved with Flipkart’s Big Billion Day sale that is currently sweeping India to celebrate the festive season. Flipkart, one of the largest e-commerce advertisers in India, has been using Exponential’s in-stream products throughout 2015, experiencing…

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Exponential Interactive Strengthens Footprint In Thailand With Increased Investment In Talent And Digital Solutions

Bangkok, Thailand (October 14th, 2015) – Exponential Interactive, one of the largest global providers of digital advertising solutions, today announced the appointment of Aimme Pancharee Sitthisenee as Sales Director, Thailand, a move to strengthen the organisation’s presence in Southeast Asia. With a reach of over 7.8 million unique visitors per month*, Aimme will lead the team in Thailand to drive…

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White Paper The Power of Video-Driven Experiences White Paper Is Viewability Valuable? Case Study L’oreal Performance Marketer Guide Guide Questions every marketer should ask their performance partner throughout a campaigns life cycle. Microsoft Ethnography Study Research Exponential partnered with Microsoft Australia to conduct a qualitative ethnographic study on a 2015 advertising campaign. Engagement: Not Just a Buzzword White Paper A comprehensive…

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Exponential Interactive Partners with MOAT to Guarantee 100 Percent Viewability Through VDX Video Ad Formats

Digital Advertising Provider Announces Viewability Solution, Proprietary Pricing Model to Drive Ad Engagement EMERYVILLE, CA (September 9, 2015) – Exponential Interactive, one of the largest leading global providers of digital advertising solutions, reaching more than 600 million users each month, today announced a 100 percent viewability guarantee for its proprietary, scalable video ad formats, VDX. To bolster their efforts and…

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Exponential releases insight on defining, applying and measuring ‘engagement’ for brands and advertisers in latest whitepaper

Whitepaper to provide tangible tips for driving ‘active attention’ amongst consumers EMERYVILLE, CA (August 25, 2015) – Exponential Interactive, one of the largest leading global providers of digital advertising solutions, reaching more than 600 million users each month, today released their whitepaper that discusses the significance of ‘engagement’ – and why the lack of understanding around user engagement leads to…

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Ad Choices

Ad Choices Why did I see this ad? This ad was delivered by Exponential Interactive on behalf of one of our clients. The site on which the ad was placed works with Exponential to provide a revenue stream to maintain its existence. Exponential Interactive is a global provider of advertising intelligence and digital media solutions to brand advertisers. The icon…

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Exponential launches proprietary video formats to provide single brand experience across multiple screens

Exponential unveils ‘VDX’, a first look at scalable video formats producing ad experiences aimed to drive deeper, authentic audience engagement EMERYVILLE, CA (April 22, 2015) – Exponential Interactive, one of the largest leading global providers of digital advertising solutions, reaching more than 600 million users each month, today announced the launch of their proprietary, scalable video ad formats, VDX. VDX…

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Dilip DaSilva

Dilip launched Tribal Fusion, the first business to form part of the Exponential Interactive Group of operations, in 2001. As a single founder, he built the ad-serving technology that provided the foundation for Exponential’s e-X Intelligence Advertising Platform. He was previously a senior developer at Flycast Communications and Engage Media. Dilip has an MS in Computer Science and a BS…

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At Exponential, we help brands find new ways to reach target audiences and drive measurable results across all their sales channels. From the impression to the conversion, we continually profile, score and deliver against your objectives. The campaign you run today is the best-engineered, most successful campaign you will ever run. Identify and engage relevant audiences for your brand Exponential…

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Transform the way you interact with audiences across multiple screens The goal isn’t to deliver your ad; the goal is to have your customer absorb and understand your message so that you see results. At Exponential, we flip the traditional intrusive advertising model on its head and put the decision to view –or not to view –in consumers’ hands. Our…

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The more you know about your audience and what interests them, the more intelligent your advertising and effective your communication. The intelligent treatment of big data provides audience insights based on the actual behaviours of advertisers’ best customers. This insight enables transformations in marketing strategy, media planning-buying, and creative strategy and messaging. At Exponential, we help brands: Validate Reinforce their…

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NAI Health Targeting Segment Declaration

NAI Health Targeting Segment Declaration Updated on May 30, 2020 Exponential makes the following behavioral categories available for advertiser targeting Health > Alternative Medicine Health > Alternative Medicine > Aromatherapy Health > Alternative Medicine > Herbal Remedies Health > Conditions & Wellness > Allergies Health > Conditions & Wellness Health > Conditions & Wellness > Arthritis Health > Conditions &…

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Exponential delivers innovative advertising experiences that transform the way brands interact with audiences across desktop and mobile. Our platform fuses one of the largest digital media footprints and proprietary data with user-centric ad formats designed to drive engagement and action. Creativity and audience insight form the foundation on which we build smarter, more relevant solutions for advertisers and publishers. Exponential…

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Find us in… APAC Australia – Sydney Level 14-17, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000 +61 2 9346 3000 Hong Kong 12/F, 100QRC, 100 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong Phone: +852 2824 8315 Fax: +852- 3103 1011 India – Bangalore WeWork, 1st Floor Block L, Embassy Tech Village Devarabisanahalli, Outer Ring Road, Bellandur, KA, Bengaluru 560103 (91) 80 44451100 India…

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Safety Guidelines

1. Adding Publishers into the Network 1.1 Adding Publishers into the network Strict policies are in place to ensure that only high quality sites are selected for Exponential Interactive’s network. Adding publishers evolves from a two-step process: Site Acceptance: Publishers must meet the Exponential Publisher Code of Conduct before being accepted Manual quality checks are performed by Exponential employees to…

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Ad Choices

Ad Choices The Ad Choices programme is an industry initiative which aims to provide Internet users with appropriate information at the point of advertising delivery. Full information on the use of the Ad Choices icon can be found at http://www.youradchoices.com/. The Ad Choices icon is part of the DAA’s Self-Regulatory Principles and the DAAC’s Principles. Exponential is a signatory to these…

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Note: this privacy policy can be printed by clicking the Print icon, or an audio version can be obtained by emailing privacy@exponential.com. Last updated: January 22, 2021 INTRODUCTION Exponential Interactive, Inc. (“we”, “us” or “our”) is an advertising media services company whose clients and customers are online advertisers (“Advertisers”) and digital content providers (“Digital Content Providers”) (collectively, our “Partners” or…

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Exponential and XE.com announce two-year exclusive partnership for mobile web, in-app monetization

Leader in advertising intelligence and engagement monetizes in-app inventory for leading foreign currency and rate exchange resource EMERYVILLE, CA (November 12, 2014) – Exponential Interactive, the global provider of advertising intelligence and digital media solutions, today announced an expansion of their exclusive partnership with online foreign currency and rate exchange resource XE.com, enabling XE to monetize their in-app and mobile…

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e-X Advertising Platform

The e-X Advertising Intelligence Platform combines one of the world’s largest digital media footprints with proprietary audience data and technology to deliver better-performing digital campaigns. It has been designed to meet and exceed the demands of today advertisers. From creative development and ad delivery to measuring results, it enables us to provide: Better-performing creative formats with consistent functionality across media…

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Exponential releases audience engagement study on Millennial Moms

New research provides marketing insights to help brands connect and engage Millennial Moms EMERYVILLE, CA (October 9, 2014) – Exponential Interactive, the global provider of advertising intelligence and digital media solutions, today announced the results of its “Marketing to Millennial Mothers” study which identifies specific behaviors, interests and trends of modern moms ages 18-32 to help brands and advertisers engage…

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Exponential’s audience engagement divisions launch range of new video-enabled ad formats for brand engagement across media and device

Firefly Video’s ‘Blaze’, Adotube’s ‘Ad Engage’ and Appsnack’s ‘Video Snackbar’ bring the best of video and TV advertising content to engagement units across display, video and mobile. EMERYVILLE, CA, (July 30, 2014) – Exponential Interactive, the global provider of advertising intelligence and digital media solutions has launched a range of video-enabled engagement ad formats through its display, video and mobile…

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Adotas has featured Scott Kellstedt, general manager, Appsnack, and his byline on three ways advertisers should leverage mobile ad networks.

Adotas has featured our own Scott Kellstedt, general manager, Appsnack, and his byline on three ways advertisers should leverage mobile ad networks. Check out the Adotas article. Can ad networks really be ace players in the mobile space? While buyers and sellers alike are busy navigating the mobile ecosystem, mobile ad networks are facing a perception problem. As more vendors…

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Adweek features Exponential’s own Senior Director of Insight Services, Bryan Melmed, where he presents his Study: ‘Americans Love Soccer More Than Nascar’

Exponential’s our own Senior Director of Insights Services, Bryan Melmed, is now featured in AdWeek discussing hidden marketing and advertising opportunities behind soccer in the United States. In the article, Bryan covers our audience insights data (garnered from the e-X Advertising Intelligence Platform) on soccer enthusiasts, and how those insights reveal a rapidly growing fan base that marketers should focus…

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Advertising Age features Exponential’s own Senior Director of Insight Services, Bryan Melmed, where he presents his ‘Six Ways to Make Your Data More Human’

Check out the Advertising Age article. Big Data Is Great, But Marketing Still Needs the Human Touch There is no doubt that data has fundamentally changed the nature of marketing. Not only are we able to target audiences with increasing precision, but the shift to data-driven methods has transformed our ability to understand consumers. We can deliver more, and are…

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Act Your Age: Why Online Video Buying Should Not Be Like TV

By Tyler Greer, Director of sales, Australia & New Zealand, AdoTube The recent arrival of Nielsen Online Campaign Ratings (OCR) tracking across digital video is steering digital video down a path that more strongly reflects TV buying models. How publishers and networks respond will be interesting. Sure, taking traditional gross rating point (GRP) thinking into the online realm demonstrates how…

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MediaPost features Exponential’s own VP of global publisher development, Rick Abell, where he presents his five tips on how to safeguard against traffic fraud

Check out the MediaPost placement. Or read the full article below: Publishers: Five Tips To Keep Zombie Bots At Bay Whether you’re in advertising or publishing, scale is the Holy Grail. In a digital environment, dollars and cents really mean clicks and impressions, or traffic to your site. But traffic quality is quietly being degraded and devalued — by zombies.…

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Exponential Interactive appoints Doug Conely as chief strategy officer

VP of product strategy and operations promoted to help activate advertising intelligence and digital media solutions across media and device. Exponential Interactive, the global provider of advertising intelligence and digital media solutions, has promoted VP of product strategy and operations, Doug Conely, to the position of chief strategy officer. In his new role, Conely will be responsible for helping to…

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Exponential announces appointment of six regional vice presidents

Exponential Interactive (www.exponential.com), the leading global provider of advertising intelligence and digital media solutions, today announced that it has appointed six regional vice presidents of sales throughout the United States as a result of the continued nationwide demand for its offerings and services across display, video and mobile. The new executives will report to Exponential’s chief revenue officer, John McKoy.…

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XE.com implements Exponential publisher platform, streamlines operations and sees 256% revenue increase

Publisher case study shows cross-platform optimization a ‘must’ in online display cross-device operations. Emeryville, CA, December 9th 2013 In partnership with global provider of advertising intelligence and media solutions, Exponential Interactive, online foreign currency and rate exchange resource, XE.com, saw an unprecedented 256 percent increase in online advertising revenue after implementing the Expo9 publisher platform. “Our relationship with Exponential is…

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Exponential Interactive appoints APAC managing director John McKoy as Chief Revenue Officer

McKoy sets his sights on continued growth for Exponential, bringing more than 15 years of digital industry experience to the table. Emeryville, Calif. – October 29, 2013 – Exponential Interactive, the global provider of advertising intelligence and digital media solutions, today announced John McKoy as Chief Revenue Officer. Formerly the managing director of Asia-Pacific, McKoy transitions into his new role…

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AdoTube launches initiative enabling brands to execute video campaigns across multiple media at no set-up cost

NEW YORK, NY —September 12, 2013 — AdoTube, the Exponential-owned in-stream advertising specialist, today announced it will offer select customers the option to run its superior in-stream ad units on any media network or publisher at no additional cost. The business decision reflects a booming industry demand for ad transparency, standardization and affordability, according to Steven Jones, chief strategy and…

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Appsnack announced as finalist in Digiday’s Mobi Awards for “Best Mobile Branding Campaign” and “Best Mobile Ad Network”

Appsnack, in collaboration with Richards Group, selected as chosen few based on strong performance of Ulta beauty campaign that exceeded benchmarks by 400% Emeryville, Calif., (September 10, 2013) – Appsnack, the Exponential-owned mobile advertising provider that launched a year ago, today announced the company was selected as a finalist for “Best Mobile Branding Campaign” and “Best Mobile Ad Network” Mobi…

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Exponential Interactive adds business director in Hong Kong

HONG KONG, ASIA – August 14, 2013 – Exponential Interactive, the global provider of advertising intelligence and digital media solutions to brand advertisers, today announced the appointment of Jason Tsang as business director, Hong Kong. Jason joins Exponential with a wealth of sales experience including five years in online media. He has previously held the position of media sales and…

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Exponential LatAm launches new divisions, Appsnack and AdoTube, in Mexico City

Leading digital advertising company expands global presence; introduces new mobile and in-stream video solutions to Latin American market Mexico City, Mexico – July 31, 2013 – Exponential, the global provider of advertising intelligence and digital media solutions, today announced the launch of its mobile and in-stream video divisions across Latin America. With the launch of app-like mobile creative specialist, Appsnack,…

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Appsnack trend report finds adaptable mobile ads outperform standard units with seamless integration; high share of screen

Findings reveal size, device and type of media play significant role combating banner blindness Emeryville, Calif., (July 17, 2013) – Appsnack, the Exponential-owned mobile advertising provider, today released its trend report, aggregating Q1 mobile results globally from 37 various advertisers and more than 12 verticals. The results indicate mobile marketing success metrics are dependent on ease of ad implementation, size,…

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Renault selects Exponential to launch a cross screen brand awareness campaign to promote new Clio

Display, video and mobile campaign generates more than 65,000 consumer interactions with new Renault Clio Madrid, Spain – 3 June, 2013 Renault has chosen Exponential, a global provider of advertising intelligence and digital media solutions to brand advertisers, to deliver a cross-digital campaign aimed at driving consideration of the new Clio. The campaign, which ran over a three-week period in…

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Exponential appoints pioneer ad network specialist to lead business in Thailand

Bangkok, June 18, 2013 – Exponential Interactive, the global provider of advertising intelligence and digital media solutions to brand advertisers, has announced Sapanna Pitisookdanont (popularly known as Nan) as business director, Thailand. Nan will be reporting to Kelvin Tan, country manager, Exponential for Malaysia, Thailand and Hong Kong. At Exponential, she will be responsible for developing and executing on the…

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Exponential partners with the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity

For the first time, Exponential Interactive will be partnering with the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity. The festival, celebrating its 60th birthday this year, will see over 12,000 delegates from around the world gather to discuss and celebrate some of the best advertising from all disciplines across the world. Exponential will have a strong presence at the festival with CEO…

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Exponential shows off its data at the Festival of Media

Exponential is delighted to announce its partnership with the Festival of Media taking place in Montreux Switzerland. Exponential, as tweet wall sponsor, will be showcasing its data around brands and topics running throughout the conference schedule. In addition, Doug Conely, VP product strategy and operations, will be hosting a showcase theatre session around how data insights can be used to…

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In-stream video specialist AdoTube’s Global Format Index reveals huge gains in consumer pre-roll video engagement

AdoTube, the Exponential-owned in-stream advertising specialist, today announced the release of its 2012 Global Format Index, which showcases data from more than 9,500 campaigns and nearly 13.5 billion impressions. The research shows that interactive pre-rolls not only drove the highest click-through rates (CTR), but also demonstrated a significant increase in engagement rates over the previous year, growing by 80% from…

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Introduction to Exponential’s publisher newsletter

Welcome to the premier edition of the Exponential publisher newsletter. In the coming months, our newsletter will be a helpful resource for our publisher partners. We will offer insights into the many exciting projects we are working on, as well as updating you on developments in the industry and providing advance notice on upcoming monetization opportunities. By now, many of…

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Appsnack announced as finalist for sfBIG’s 2013 “Next Big Digital Start-Up” award

Appsnack, the Exponential-owned mobile advertising provider that launched less than a year ago, today announced that the company was selected as a finalist for the “Next Big Digital Start-up” award from the San Francisco Bay Area Innovation Group, known as sfBIG. The young division is being recognized for its advanced, high-impact advertising technology and engaging app-like experiences across mobile and…

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Exponential Interactive expands global leadership, appoints Ricardo Novaes as country manager in Brazil

São Paulo, BRAZIL – March 25, 2013 – Exponential Interactive, the global provider of advertising intelligence and digital media solutions, today announced Ricardo Novaes as country manager, Brazil. Novaes is primarily responsible for delivering innovative digital marketing solutions in the growing Latin American marketplace. Novaes joins Exponential with 13 plus years in the online media market. Most recently, Novaes worked…

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Firefly Video relaunches in US; offers new ad units where consumers actively choose to watch an advertiser’s video content

Exponential Interactive, the global provider of advertising intelligence and digital media solutions, today relaunched its brand engagement video advertising solution Firefly Video. The launch includes two new ad units, Glow and Illuminate, which are designed specifically to drive consumers to actively choose to watch a brand’s video content. Campaigns using the new Glow unit have delivered an average of almost…

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